Best alternative to Gwarm email warmup

Best alternative to Gwarm email warmup

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Finally, Google has instructed GMASS to stop using its automated email warming services or lose its API access. Not that IMAP-based warm-up gadgets are the way of the future. The hunt for automated warmup services by Google is obviously in progress, but warmup is not yet dead.The AI alternatives might flourish, but they fall short of the handcrafted manual services. 

Google isn’t dumb 

The legality of warm-up automation on a web-based API or IMAP depends on several factors, including the terms of use of the application and applicable laws. Most web-based applications have terms of use that outline acceptable use of their services. Automation that complies with these terms is typically considered legal. However, if the automation goes against the terms of use of the application, it may be considered illegal.

In addition to the terms of use, relevant laws, such as data protection laws, privacy laws, and computer misuse laws, should also be taken into consideration when determining the legality of warm-up automation on a web-based application.

This is why Google has warned Gmass to stop its automation warm-up services and suggested that its customers consider other automation warm-up service providers that use IMAP. Google is not foolish, and it may block IMAP in the near future. Thus, it is always best to choose a manual warm-up service like EvaWarm.

 IMAP is not the future direction for warm up services

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a widely-used protocol for retrieving email, but it lacks a crucial capability that many users demand: email sending. With heightened email security and increased demand for authorized email transmission, this capability has become increasingly important.

 As a result, even when users are already authenticated for retrieval, IMAP requires them to authenticate every time they want to send an email, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. Furthermore, IMAP’s inability to differentiate between unread and read messages without a status line can cause confusion and reduce productivity. In short, IMAP does not meet the expectations of modern email communication and alternative solutions are necessary.

Manual Warm-up: “The Future of Email deliverability”

Since AI algorithms are incredibly intelligent, manually warming up your email before sending it helps the AI identify you as a human and raises the sender’s credibility. Focusing more on manual Warmup, which boosts email open rate and sender reputation, is a subliminal method to improve email deliverability.

EvaWarm – provides 100% manual warmup service to boost email sending limits and bypass ISP and ESP blacklist restrictions to reach your intended audience with ease. The solution enables swift and simple access to your target audience by increasing your email sending limitations.

Eva’s manual warmup at your ease

  1. Obtain client credentials and manually log in. Get verification assistance directly from the client, with priority given to Gmail and Outlook accounts.
  2. Verify authentication records using the Gmail method for SPF and DKIM.
  3. Replace any spammy keywords in the warmup content.
  4. Use mail merge to send emails from the client’s email ID to 15 to 40 internal email addresses daily, split evenly among Gmail, Outlook/Hotmail, AOL, and Yahoo. 
  5. Check for email landing in the spam folder and mark it as “Not Spam”. Automation for this step is being evaluated.
  6. Open and read incoming emails as if a human would. Automation for this step is being evaluated by analyzing competitors.
  7. Mark emails as important/starred. Automation for this step is being evaluated.
  8. Reply and forward manually using a template.
  9. Subscribe to newsletters from client email addresses.
  10. Monitor domain health periodically.
  11. Track sent, received spam landing, and inbox landing activities. Automation for this step is possible.
  12. Read incoming warm-up emails. Automation for this step is being evaluated by analyzing competitors.
  13. Delete warm-up emails weekly.
  14. Provide dashboard reporting for clients. Automation for this step is possible.

The end of automation warmup

We observed a difference in email delivery- Gmail Inbox for direct emails, Spam for those sent through API, despite identical content. Gmail prioritizes direct emails over those sent through API. Automated warmup via API or IMAP is not the future for email deliverability. Choose manual warmup for permanent success.

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